Friday, December 31, 2010

What a Crazy Year

As I sit here 2 hours before 2011 I think back over the past year. What a ride...happy, sad, scary, exciting, frustrating and exciting. This time last year I would have never imagined the events that would happen. I had my first trip away from the family with just friends helping me out and had a blast. I visited Nashville and feel in love with it. My best friend moved down to help me out and we have been searching the whole year for an apartment but with no luck, so frustrating. I ended up in the hospital twice with gall bladder issues. First time surgery was called off and the second it was a success. My dad had surgery to have a pace maker placed and 2 months later was rushed to the hospital with endocarditis. He was on deaths door but God watched over him and he is back to "normal" after open heart surgery and 6 weeks of IV antibiotics. Justin has a house and a new truck. Ian just got engaged to his girlfriend of 8 years. Mom had some medical issues at the beginning of the year but have never been figured out. As I look to 2011 I am hopefull it is a better and fun year. Less of the scary, sad, and frustrating stuff...HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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