Thursday, April 9, 2009

Muddy Muddy Puppies

Yesterday Olivia, Watty, and I went to have lunch and a puppy play date with Richard and Trotter. Lunch was good, we ate at Chili's. The dogs were a little crazy at first but they calmed down fast. We went to where Richard takes Trotter to play this time instead of at my house. It was a nice area for them to run and if it was closer to me I would take Watty everyday. Well they had fun and just as Richard was telling me about a spot that gets swampy I looked around for the dogs and they were none other than in the mud puddle getting dirty. We called them back and of course they both immediately try and jump on us. On to the pictures to show how dirty they got. Luckily we were going to bath Watty after anyway.Trotter

chasing each other

Muddy boys

Trotter the beaver


Watkins: Momma help get him off me!!
Trotter: HAHAHAHA I got you pinned.

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