Tuesday, July 14, 2009

An Amazing Year

Today makes a year since Watty and I were partnered. It has been a tough, crazy, and fun year. We both have grown in many ways. Our partnership is getting stronger as we work together. Yes we still have things to work on this next year to make further strides to be where I want us to be. We have had problems that we had to work through and we got through them. I want to thank Sandy for raising such an awesome pup, Michelle for teaching him more than the puppy raisers are aloud to and for being there for all my frantic calls, Lisa for giving a ear to listen and a shoulder for me to cry on, and all my friends and family, including my KSDS family, for giving me the support I needed when I wanted to give up with my hard headed little boy, and to Watty for being patient with me and being my comic relief when I really needed it. Love ya boy.

Thanks Lisa for doing the video for me.


Sarah and Romeo said...

oh Karen! That is such an awesome video! You guys are the best and all you've been through together makes you such a strong team.
I love ya!

Lisa and pups said...

happy 1 year!!!! You are a dear, dear friend and Ellie and I love you so much! Happy celebration day! Can't wait to see you and Watty's relationship continue to blossom.

4 Wheeling Princess said...

I love y'all too. Best friends anyone could have. Thanks for the wishes!