Friday, November 28, 2008


It is always wonderful celebrating the holidays with family. I was freaking out about how Watty was going to act and I should not have. He was an absolute angel. Yes there were 3 dogs he would have LOVED to play with but we couldn't do it. My uncle doesn't have a fenced in backyard. I did let him meet Luke(black lab) and Millie(English pointer) on leash in the back. They were also on runs. Mister(Maltese) is an inside dog so they were always around each other. Mister did come and tease Watty every now and then but Watty did great. I am hoping the weather is okay on Monday so I can take him to a dog park which he really needs after this weekend.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Thanksgiving worries

I am a little nervous about Thanksgiving. I know Watty will do well but I am just afraid my family who hasn't meet Watty have preconceived ideas about him. I just hope they meet him with opened eyes, minds and hearts before they judge him. It will all be new to him so I expect him to be well behaved but he also might act up. If he does act up I will correct and redirect him. I am ready for my family to meet him and love him.

Friday, November 14, 2008

4 Month Anniversary

Today Watkins and I have been a team for 4 months. He has calmed down in the past months. He is getting better at not jumping on people and helping me out. He is defiantly a protector. He is calming down when we are out and about. He has barked a few times at a Kroger near my house and I need to try and figure out why he is barking. I figured once that he didn't like the butcher that was down the aisle. Yesterday I couldn't figure out why. He did great during Halloween and the Texas Ren Fest. I love my sweet, hyper, crazy boy.


I have really bad edema in my legs. For the past few weeks I have been going to a wound and lymphedema clinic to get them down. It was going real well until Monday. They wrap the legs and feet in cast material once a week. Last Monday they started to do a 4layer compression instead of the una boot to get more fluid out. When they took the first 4layer compression boot off I had a small bruise on my left foot. The doctor took note and said its normal with the first 4layer compression wrap and shouldn't be that tight this time. They re-wrapped my legs and by 1 am that night I was in so much pain I took them off. I have a huge bruise there now. Both legs and feet are very sore and tender at the moment. On Monday we are to start back at square one. If my feet still hurt they are going to have to wait a little longer. I am even on vicodin so I can sleep till my bruise stops hurting.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Texas Renasance Festival

Watkins and I went to the Texas Ren Fest Saturday and had a blast. Watkins did great. There were tons of people dressed and not dressed in everything imaginable. He of course had trouble around the food area but what dog wouldn't? We meet Julie and Achmed from KSDS and the dogs acted like they were long lost siblings. He did great around the kids except the time he stuck his nose in a stroller to say hi to a sweet sleeping princess(he left her sleeping). At the end they do fireworks and at first he jumped but ignored them.
Jousting competition
Watkins watching jousting competition.Fairies

JesterWatty saw this horse three times and the third time he barked at him. Crazy boy.My braid I got

Sunday, November 2, 2008


It is late but Happy Halloween. Ours was fun. I found a perfect costume for Watkins but they were sold out plus I was broke. I thought he could go as a hockey fan except my jersey was to big, so he just wore a Halloween bandanna and me a Halloween shirt. Next year we will dress up. Watkins did great he even had his harness off. I thought he might get spooked or bark at decorations because he had when we were at stores passing Halloween decorations. The only time he barked was at another dog after they were face to face(at a distance). He was great around the kids but I think that's because we were constantly moving. The next fun thing is the Texas Renaissance Festive next weekend. I can't wait.Matthew as Rambo
Watkins as a hockey fan
My bumble bee Marshall
A witch peeking out of the window.
Motion sensitive guy that Watkins found interesting.
Clumber spaniel (I think) Watkins barked at.