I am not a big Oprah fan/watcher but I saw that todays show was on puppy mills. I thought it would be interesting to watch. Well at the beginning of the show they had a slide show of Oprah's dog, Sophie, who just passed. I held it together until my friend Desi said Hey she was as old as Shocker. Then I just lost it. I know I am still grieving but I hate crying at seeing an animal or even another lab. My new baby will help me out. Shocker will always have a special paw print on my heart.
Oh, how sad. It's always really hard when someone loses their longtime companion. I am so sorry.
Is it alright if I link to your blog? And I can invite you to read mine, if you would like! I am a puppy raiser.
Ah, dear Shocker! I know she's still watching over you!
man, i have yet to lose a dog, so i'm not going to say i know what your going through, but he sounded like he was a great companion and helper. your next dog will not be a replacement, but a continuation of what Shocker did, just remember that. Take care!
I'm sure there will be a lot of unexpected reminders in the beginning, but it'll get easier. I'm so glad you'll have your new dog so quickly, like you said, that will help a lot.
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